The Haiti Planning Committee

The Haiti Planning Committee grew out of our joining the national organization, Twinning Parishes of America, back in 2001 by which St. John the Evangelist and St. Thomas Aquinas Parishes were partnered with St. Catherine's in Haiti as sister parishes.

This was the beginning of a lasting relationship that was strengthened when a small group of parishioners had the opportunity to visit St. Catherine’s and witnessed the gracious hospitality and gratitude of the parishioners of our sister parish. Annually, the Haiti Planning Committee at St. John’s and St. Thomas’ plans a major fundraiser to support the education of the children of St. Catherine's in Haiti. In addition, proceeds from a Special Parish Collection during one weekend in the spring also go to this cause. The monies from these two fundraisers pay for teacher annual salaries, special religious programming to enhance the students' regular schooling, and provide better facilities and food services for the school children at St. Catherine’s. The parishioners of St. John’s and St. Thomas’ have been most generous in donating money for this most worthwhile cause for over the past 22 years. Moreover, this ministry has given our parishioners the opportunity to experience the true understanding that caring for our brothers and sisters in the name of Christ knows no geographical boundaries.

Please call St. John's Parish Center at 781-593-2544 to learn more about this Ministry and explore how to become involved.